Vulpro Flyer December 2024
Vulpro Flyer April 2024
Vulpro Flyer December 2023
Vulpro Flyer September 2023
Vulpro Flyer June 2023
Vulpro Flyer March 2023
Annual Reports
Monitoring Reports
2024 Vulture Monitoring Report
2023 Vulture Monitoring Report
2022 Vulture Monitoring Report
2021 Vulture Monitoring Report
2020 Vulture Monitoring Report
Scientific Publications
Combining trends from disparate monitoring programs to inform Red List assessments: The case of the Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres). McClure CJW et al. 2023. Biological Conservation. 284, 110175.
A multi-species evaluation of digital wildlife monitoring using the Sigfox IoT network. Wild T et al. 2023. Animal Biotelemetry. 11(1), 1-17.
A utilization distribution for the global population of Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) to guide wind energy development. Cervantes F et al. 2023. Ecological Applications. 33(3), e2809.
The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug nimesulide kills Gyps vultures at concentrations found in the muscle of treated cattle. Galligan TH et al. 2022. Science of the Total Environment. 807, 150788.
Understanding continent-wide variation in vulture ranging behavior to assess feasibility of Vulture Safe Zones in Africa: Challenges and possibilities. Kane A et al. 2022. Biological Conservation. 268, 109516.
VulPro: an overview of Africa’s vulture conservation centre. Hirschauer MT et al. 2022. Vulture News. 2021. 81, 9-24.
Home range and habitat selection of captive-bred and rehabilitated cape vultures Gyps coprotheres in southern Africa. Jobson B et al. 2021. Oryx. 55(4), 607-612.
Population growth rates in northern Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres colonies between 2010 and 2019. Hirschauer MT et al. 2021. Bird Conservation International. 31(3), 354-363.
Wing tags severely impair movement in African Cape Vultures. Curk T et al. 2021. Animal Biotelemetry. 9(10), 1-13.
Variation in monthly sizes of home-ranges of Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus in western, eastern and southern Africa. Thompson LJ et al. 2020. Ibis. 162(4), 1324-1338.
Does the renal portal valve exist in a raptor species? A study aimed at further evaluating the mechanism of toxicity of diclofenac in vultures. Havenga L et al. 2020. Anatomia, Histologica, Embryologica. 49(6), 836-841.
Perceptions of vulture supplementary feeding site managers and potential hidden risk to avian scavengers. Brink CW et al. 2020. Conservation Science and Practise. 2(8), e237.
Injuries, mortality rates, and release rates of endangered vultures admitted to a rehabilitation center in South Africa. Howard A et al. 2020. Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation. 40(3).
Quantifying the spatial distribution and trends of supplementary feeding sites in South Africa and their potential contribution to vulture energetic requirements. Brink CW et al. 2020. Animal Conservation. 23(5), 491-501.
Percentage of faecal excretion of meloxicam in the Cape vultures (Gyps coprotheres). Adawaren EO et al. 2019. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology. 215, 41-46.
Large birds travel farther in homogenous environments. Tucker MA et al. 2019. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 28(5), 576-587.
Conservation buffer sizes derived from movement data of adult Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) in South Africa. Venter JA, Martens FR and Wolter K. African Zoology. 2019. 54(2), 115-118.
A review of vulture wing anatomy and safe propatagial tag application methods, with case studies of injured vultures. Hirschauer MT, Wolter K and Forbes NA. 2019. Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation. 39(3).
The use of toxicokinetics and exposure studies to show that carprofen in cattle tissue could lead to secondary toxicity and death in wild vultures. Naidoo V et al. 2018. Chemosphere. 190, 80-89.
Sexing Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres based on head morphometrics. Hirschauer MT et al. 2018. Ostrich. 89(2), 187-190.
Inter-individual differences in exploration and aggression in the Cape Griffon Vulture (Gyps coprotheres): implications for the ecology of a social scavenger. 2018. PeerJ. 25759.
Lead ingestion as a potential contributing factor to the decline in vulture populations in southern Africa. Naidoo V, Wolter K and Botha CJ. 2017. Environmental Research. 152, 150-156.
Natal philopatry in young Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres. Hirschauer MT, Wolter K and Neser W. 2017. Ostrich. 88(1), 79-82.
Due South: A first assessment of the potential impacts of climate change on Cape vulture occurrence. Phipps WL et al. 2017. Biological Conservation. 210. 16-25.
High occurrence of extra-pair partnerships and homosexuality in a captive Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres colony. Hirschauer MT and Wolter K. 2017. Ostrich. 88(2), 173-176.
Sexual dimorphism and plumage characteristics of juvenile Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres. Mabhikwa NT, Hirschauer MT and Wolter K. 2017. Ostrich. 88(2), 167-171.
Immature Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres breaks species range record. Hirschauer MT et al.
Bird distribution dynamics 6 – Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Wolter K et al. 2017. Biodiversity Observations. 8(4), 1-11.
Serum and plasma cholinesterase activity in the Cape Griffon Vulture (Gyps coprotheres). Naidoo V and Wolter K. 2016. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 52(2), 369-372.
Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus and African White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus nesting at the Olifants River Private Nature Reserve, Limpopo province, South Africa. Monadjem A et al. 2016. Ostrich. 87(2), 113-117.
Home range and habitat selection of Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres in relation to supplementary feeding. Kane A et al. 2016. Bird Study. 63(3), 387-394.
Release success of captive bred Cape Vultures in the Magaliesberg Mountains, South Africa. Hirschauer MT. MSc thesis (2016).
Cape Vulture Gyps coprotheres breeding status in southern Africa: monitoring results from 2010-2014. Wolter K et al. 2015. Ostrich. 87(2), 119-123.
The safety and pharmacokinetics of carprofen, flunixin and phenylbutazone in the Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres) following oral exposure. Fourie T et al. 2015. PLoS One 10(10), e0141419.
South African Cape Vulture released in Namibia in 2005 is back in South Africa. Wolter K et al. 2014. Afring News 43, 21-22.
Effects of rehabilitation on survival rates of endangered Cape Vultures. Monadjem A et al. 2014. Animal Conservation. 17(1), 52-60.
Incubation patch on a male Cape Griffon. Wolter K, Mundy P and Dube M. 2013. Vulture News. 65, 37-39.
Foraging ranges of immature African white-backed vultures (Gyps africanus) and their use of protected areas in southern Africa. Phipps WL et al. 2013. PLoS One. 8(1), e 52813.
Do power lines and protected areas present a catch-22 situation for Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres)? Phipps WL et al. 2013. PLoS One. 8(10), e76794.
Lead toxicity: consequences and interventions in an intensively managed (Gyps coprotheres) vulture colony. Naidoo V et al. 2012. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 43(3), 573-578.
Monitoring of Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres) breeding colonies in the Magaliesberg, South Africa: 2007-2009. Whittington-Jones C, Wolter K and West S. 2011. Vulture News. 60, 6-12.
Vultures rescue and rehabilitation in South Africa: an urban perspective. Naidoo V et al. 2011. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association. 82(1), 24-31.
The toxicokinetics of ketoprofen in Gyps coprotheres: toxicity due to zero-order metabolism. Naidoo V et al. 2010. Archives of Toxicology. 84: 761-766.
Toxicity of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to Gyps vultures: a new threat from ketoprofen. Naidoo V et al. 2010. Biology Letters. 6(3), 339-341.
Veterinary diclofenac threatens Africa’s endangered vulture species. Naidoo V et al. 2009. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 53(3), 205-208.
Naturally acquired antibodies to Bacillus anthracis protective antigen in vultures of southern Africa. Turnbull PCB et al. 2008. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research. 75(2), 95-102.
The pharmacokinetics of meloxicam in vultures. Naidoo V et al. 2008. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 31(2), 128-134.
Establishment of selected baseline blood chemistry and hematologic parameters in captive and wild-caught African White-backed Vultures (Gyps africanus). Naidoo V et al. 2008. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 44(3), 649-654.
The race to prevent the extinction of South Asian vultures. Pain DJ et al. 2008. Bird Conservation International. 18(S1), S30-S48.
Lappet-faced Vulture observation in the Magaliesberg, South Africa. Wolter, K. 2008. Vulture News. 59.
Status of Cape Vultures (Gyps coprotheres) in the Magaliesberg, South Africa. Wolter K, Whittington-Jones C and West S. 2007. Vulture News. 57, 24-31.
Monitoring the success of released rehabilitated vultures. Van’t Foort W, Wolter K and Bartels P. 2006. Vulture News.
Removing the threat of Diclofenac to Critically Endangered Asian Vultures. Swan G et al. 2006. PLoS biology. 4(3), e66.
Toxicity of Diclofenac to Gyps vultures. Swan GE et al. 2006. Biology Letters. 2(2), 279-282.